Friday, 30 November 2012

Thank goodness its Friday

Its Friday, usually the wind down to the end of the week.
But not today, the phone hsnt stopped, seems the frost we hd last night has sent my tenants into meltdow

To top off my my morning I have a number of rents that are now late and as always the calls to chase this envoke some wonderful storis from tenants as to why the haven't, can't or won't be paying their rent.
My favorite so far is "well its nearly christmas, I had to buy a lot of presents, its ok though the landlords' loaded right so he won't miss it just this month"
Why do tenants assume their landlords are all millionaires? Actually this poor landlord relies on the rent to pay the mortgage, but this info falls on deaf ears.

I ring the council to chase housing benefit payments that are now also overdue, I am told by a rather confused young lady, that they "have a back log so some rents won't be paid til after xmas" great, I wonder if that line will work if I don't pay my council tax "sorry I've got a back log of other bills"

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